About Us

Designing with passion while exploring the world
CITEC LONDON was established in 2002, offering a range of training and professional services in I.T and Business Management. Our Products, Solutions and Professional Services are designed to enhance Individuals, SME and Large Corporations within and outside of the United Kingdom.
CITEC LONDON maintains its pace with technology enabled business trends changing the global business landscape. The rapid changes in technology, innovation and social entrepreneurship set the new trends in the way in which business is carried out. The key challenge for the businesses is to maintain their phase with fast changing market dynamics with the advent of SaaS, PaaS, IaaS, AI and Big Data technologies and “app’ driven business models. CITEC LONDON is fully geared up for the Next Generation Collaborative Model through its partner network, thereby bringing excellence in Innovation and Entrepreneurship under one roof .
Services we offer to various sectors
CITEC LONDON is delivering technology driven business solutions designed to exceed the strategic objectives of its customers, enabling them to adopt the fast changing technology and at the same time reduce the Cost of Ownership. We bring foresight and knowledge, deep functional expertise, practical approach to build capabilities and deliver real impact. CITEC LONDON and its partners have a shared vision in providing professional and value experience to customers from across the sectors.
Our Clients

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